Repubs Lost Unpaid Wars
2011-10-14 19:39:41 UTC
Poll: Occupy Wall Street is Twice as Popular as The Tea Party
Time magazine’s new national poll is out, and there’s no “slightly”
here. The Occupy movement has a 54 percent favorable rating; the Tea
Party’s rating is 27 percent.
How is this happening? Over the past week, conservatives have
treated Occupy much the same way that liberals treated the Tea Party,
scouring the marches and rallies for evidence of kookery; the Drudge
Report linked a video of an anti-Semite who’d joined the protests to
rant about Jews. Fox News and CNN have mocked the protests (think of
Jesse Waters saying they looked like “the sludge” that would come out
of a blender packed with left-wing causes, or Erin Burnett mocking the
Occupiers for not liking TARP), but not too many Americans actually
watch those networks on a nightly basis.
Most Republicans have actually couched their comments on the
protests. This poll’s internals give us a hint on why — some of the
Occupy demands, like prosecuting ill-behaving Wall Streeters or
raising taxes on wealthy people, are more popular than any policy
that’s doable in Congress
Time magazine’s new national poll is out, and there’s no “slightly”
here. The Occupy movement has a 54 percent favorable rating; the Tea
Party’s rating is 27 percent.
How is this happening? Over the past week, conservatives have
treated Occupy much the same way that liberals treated the Tea Party,
scouring the marches and rallies for evidence of kookery; the Drudge
Report linked a video of an anti-Semite who’d joined the protests to
rant about Jews. Fox News and CNN have mocked the protests (think of
Jesse Waters saying they looked like “the sludge” that would come out
of a blender packed with left-wing causes, or Erin Burnett mocking the
Occupiers for not liking TARP), but not too many Americans actually
watch those networks on a nightly basis.
Most Republicans have actually couched their comments on the
protests. This poll’s internals give us a hint on why — some of the
Occupy demands, like prosecuting ill-behaving Wall Streeters or
raising taxes on wealthy people, are more popular than any policy
that’s doable in Congress